Our circuit provides resources for self-represented parties in domestic relations cases. In all counties resources are available online or at the local clerk’s office. Citrus, Hernando, Lake and Marion Counties also have self-help offices to assist.
ATTENTION: Any self-represented party, who has filed a family law case on or after October 1, 2022, shall fill out a Designation of Current Mailing and E-mail address form.
For all Supreme Court documents: flcourts.org
Effective February 1, 2018, only the following forms shall be approved for use in the Fifth Judicial Circuit to include for use by the self-help programs, Clerks of Court, and the Family Division of the Fifth Circuit:
Packets to Supersede and Modify or Enforce Administrative Child Support Orders Pre-Trial Statement Waiver of Service of ProcessIn addition to the foregoing forms, effective February 1, 2018, cases concerning the State of Florida/Department of Revenue/Child Support may utilize the following forms and may include use by self-help programs, Clerks of Court, and the Family Division of the Fifth Circuit:
Responses/Answers AffidavitsThe Florida State Courts System, in conjunction with the Florida Commission on Access to Civil Justice, offers both a self-help website as well as the Florida Courts HELP App to provide information for people seeking a divorce, adoption, orders of protection, name change, and other family law issues.
Access the self-help website here: https://help.flcourts.org/
Download the Florida Courts HELP App here (Apple & Android): https://help.flcourts.org/download-the-app/
Florida Free Legal Answers ™
The American Bar Association (ABA) offers the Free Legal Answers ™ service for non-criminal legal questions. Please click the following link to access the florida.freelegalanswers.org website.