
Our circuit provides resources for self-represented parties in domestic relations cases. In all counties resources are available online or at the local clerk’s office. Citrus, Hernando, Lake and Marion Counties also have self-help offices to assist.

ATTENTION: Any self-represented party, who has filed a family law case on or after October 1, 2022, shall fill out a Designation of Current Mailing and E-mail address form.

Please click on the county where your case is filed or will be filed in for more information.

Citrus County

Hernando County

Lake County

Marion County

Sumter County

For all Supreme Court documents:

Parenting Course Information

Additional forms which are used in the Fifth Circuit:

Effective February 1, 2018, only the following forms shall be approved for use in the Fifth Judicial Circuit to include for use by the self-help programs, Clerks of Court, and the Family Division of the Fifth Circuit:

Packets to Supersede and Modify or Enforce Administrative Child Support Orders Pre-Trial Statement Waiver of Service of Process

In addition to the foregoing forms, effective February 1, 2018, cases concerning the State of Florida/Department of Revenue/Child Support may utilize the following forms and may include use by self-help programs, Clerks of Court, and the Family Division of the Fifth Circuit:

Responses/Answers Affidavits

The Florida State Courts System, in conjunction with the Florida Commission on Access to Civil Justice, offers both a self-help website as well as the Florida Courts HELP App to provide information for people seeking a divorce, adoption, orders of protection, name change, and other family law issues.

Access the self-help website here:

Download the Florida Courts HELP App here (Apple & Android):

Florida Free Legal Answers ™

The American Bar Association (ABA) offers the Free Legal Answers ™ service for non-criminal legal questions. Please click the following link to access the website.