Use our free PDF word counter to get the word count for any PDF. All you have to do is drag-and-drop your PDF and you can see the PDF word count, PDF page count, and more.
When using this free PDF word counter, your PDF isn't actually uploaded anywhere, so it is completely secure.
Try it out! Counting words in a PDF has never been faster, you'll likely get your PDF word count in under a second.
By Adam on January 29, 2024Either drag-and-drop a PDF or select a PDF via the upload button to count words in your PDF. There's no restriction on size, because the PDF will never leave your own computer.
Drag-and-drop or use the button below
Select a PDFAfter selecting a PDF, the PDF word count will be shown below. Note that the word count could vary depending on the formatting of the PDF.
After you select a PDF, the word count will appear here.
While this might seem like a redundant question, if you're concerned about the accuracy of your word count, you'll want to know exactly what a word count is!
At its core, a word count is a tally of all the words in a document. Whether it's an article, a report, a book, or any other written material, the word count quantifies the number of words it contains.
Where things get interesting is when you start asking: what exactly defines a word? Generally, a word is any element of a sentence separated by spaces or punctuation. It includes numbers, symbols, and contractions as individual words. For example, "can't" is counted as one word, just like "cannot."
Whitespace is fundamental to defining what a word is. Whitespace is any section in a document that is not occupied by text or graphics. This includes spaces, tabs, and empty lines. While whitespace is crucial for readability and document formatting, it does not contribute to the word count.
When it comes to counting words in a PDF, our PDF word counter tool is the quickest and easiest way. Here's how you can count words in any PDF document using our tool:
Using PDF Word Counter:
Our PDF word counter tool is designed for efficiency and ease of use. Unlike other methods that require converting the PDF into a different format, our tool maintains the integrity and layout of your original PDF. This means you get an accurate word count without altering the document's format or risking the loss of any data. Additionally, our tool ensures privacy and security. Your PDF remains on your device, and the word count process is done locally, offering a secure way to manage your documents. Whether you're a student, a professional, or anyone needing to keep track of word counts in PDFs, our tool offers a hassle-free way to get accurate results quickly.
Counting words in PDFs can yield varying results due to several factors inherent to the PDF format. Understanding these factors is important to anticipate and interpret differences in word counts. Here are some reasons why word counts in PDFs can vary:
If you want the most accurate word count, you'll want to make sure your PDF mainly contains regular text and not too much irregular formatting.