Aphasia Treatment Approaches and Interventions: Free PDFs

In this article, you’ll find step-by-step guides that show you exactly how to do aphasia treatment approaches with your speech therapy patients.

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Naming Aphasia Treatment Approaches

1. VNeST (Verb Network Strengthening Treatment)

What’s The Goal?

The goal of VNeST is to improve expressive language. Specifically, it’s a naming therapy that aims to improve word-finding and sentence-building.

VNeST treatment has been shown to generalize to untrained items in patients with chronic aphasia (Poirier, 2023).

After treatment, most of the research subjects were better at noun naming, verb naming, and sentence production.

Learn more about how to do VNeST in Dr. Edmond’s Medbridge course.

How Does VNeST Work?

To do VNeST, the therapist presents a target verb. The patient then builds sentences from this verb using ‘wh’ questions.

Treatment begins by having the patient build a sentence with WHO and WHAT.

VNeST uses the terms ‘agent’ for the WHO and ‘patient’ for the WHAT.

Here’s an example of the types of sentences your patient will build:

VNeST Materials

Classically, VNeST treatment used notecards.

But Dr. Lisa Edmonds, the creator of VNeST, has since updated her recommendations to use whatever you have on hand. This may be a whiteboard and marker, pen and paper, or a computer.

This means less prep for you!

Here are the materials you need to do VNeST:

  1. Choose 10 familiar verbs. Each verb should:
  2. Have something to write withand on
  3. Prepare sentences for each verb. More on that below

VNeST Protocol

Step 1: VNeST Protocol